About Us_
We are elite. Trained around the world, the Feminine Assassins brings excellence in everything we do. Each of us have unique skills that allowed us to master the game and become the best of the best.
Director Keira Ann
[ Martial Arts Master ]
Martial Art Master. Behind her seemingly innocent smile is the skill of a martial art master. She will have a villain captured before they even realized she had moved and can take out a room of spies with her hands tied. Don't be fooled by Keira's bubbly personality, she is a deadly force to be reckoned with.
Director CodeRed007
[ Arsonist ]
Arsonist. That's what most people call it. But the fire-wielding skills of CodeRed007 has allowed her to escape scenes like a ghost...trap arch villains in their own lair...and expose evidence in the "heat" of the moment. If I were you, I'd keep her on your good side.
Director Bonanza Jellybean
[ Seductress ]
Seductress. Don't let her southern charm distract you... She will lure you in with a mimosa then slit your throat over your champagne glass... She is skilled with an impressive blade collection that she keeps secured under her layers of sheer petticoats, but an unsuspecting villain will be dead before he has the chance to take a peek.
Director Ms Helen
[ Clandestine Socialite ]
Clandestine Socialite. Equally at home at the grandest of high society balls or the dingiest of back alley watering holes, Ms Helen's talents as a master of disguise make her able to blend into any scene. Her natural charm puts everyone from the highest platforms to the dourest, dregs of society at ease making everyone easy pray if they wrong her.